VM Works can assist with your Visual Merchandising needs and help your small business grow. Whether you're in the planning stages of opening your dream store or already an established business with a full team, the services below are flexible and can be customized to fit your store's needs.


This is perfect for business owners who:

  • need to improve their in-store marketing
  • are in the planning stages of opening a brick and mortar shop
  • are established and wish to develop an employee into a visual merchandiser
  • can spare an hour or more to learn how to become a VM genius 
  • enjoy DIY projects!

Workshops ›

This is perfect for business owners who:

  • need fresh ideas about how to increase sales
  • are considering adding a new product category to their sales floor
  • have a team of employees (or friends!) to delegate to who can implement the floor moves 
  • do not have the budget to hire a full-time visual merchandiser

Consultations › 

This is perfect for business owners who:

  • are looking for a quick way to update their store environment
  • do not have the time to update their visual displays
  • would prefer to hire an independent contractor to design and execute floor moves based on their business needs
  • recognize the importance of updating visual presentations and its direct impact on sales!

Installations ›